
We are excited to share our refreshed brand with you!

Our new look reflects compassion at the core, with our services and determination radiating across families, throughout communities, and into the hearts of every person who supports our mission.

With the same impactful programs, same unwavering commitment, and the same passionate team, we invite you to explore our refreshed brand and thank you for being part of it.

Thompson Vertical Logo

Strengthen Children, Families,
and Communities

We empower children & families to achieve their goals through trauma-informed mental health, family stability, and early childhood services.

Due to your continued generosity, we’re able to fulfill our mission and provide services to those in need.

What we do

Our Continuum
of Care

Thompson is a human services leader transforming lives through early childhood, family stability, and mental health services. As a solutions-driven organization committed to rewriting narratives for the most vulnerable in our community; Thompson achieves this by providing comprehensive, evidence-based services, and trauma-informed care, for children (ages 0-18) and their families, virtually and in-person.

Early Childhood

Protecting the critical early educational years of children.

Family Stability Services

Helping keep families stronger, together.

Mental Health Services

Mental health treatment services for individuals, families, and groups.

Residential Services

Programs for youth with behavioral health challenges.

Latest News

Thompson constantly strives to meet the needs of the children and families we serve. Check out our ‘Media’ tab for the latest updates on programs, staff and other stories of interest.


Our Mission

Thompson is called to serve children and families through healing, teaching, worship, and play.

Our Vision

To ensure All Children Healthy, All Families Thriving, All Communities Strong.

Our Values

Excellence, Innovation, Commitment, Caring and Integrity

Culture Diversity

Diversity Statement

Thompson Child & Family Focus fosters an inclusive environment by celebrating what makes
each of us unique and by encouraging authenticity among our staff and the clients we serve.
We honor, respect, and celebrate all differences and invest in people, programs, and resources
that promote unity, empathy, and growth.

Communities We Serve

North & South Carolina Counties

Florida Counties