
Schedules vary, depending on the age and goal of the athlete.  Below is more information about youth and adult training:

We schedule weekly ADULT beginner/intermediate clinics. There are usually both evening and morning options, and are offered at both Robbins Park and Jetton Park.

If you are interested in signing up to attend one of these group clinics, please contact Coach Lori at or text or call her cell # 980-297-2591.

If you would like to set up a private lesson or private group time with a few friends, please contact any of our teaching pros. You can read about our teaching experience and background information, as well as contact numbers and email addresses on our Instructor Bios page.

Our after school JUNIOR clinics are held at Jetton Park from Monday-Thursday. We reserve Fridays as make up days should we get more than 2 rain out afternoons in a week. We guarantee 3 days of clinic options per week.

Classes range in length from 45 to 90 minutes, depending on player experience, level, and goals. Our clinic fees are based on kids attending 2-3 days per week. We understand that kids have other activities, heavy homework days, rain outs, etc. but we do encourage the kids to attend as much as their schedules will allow. The more time they can commit to practice, obviously, the better. Their improvement rates are dependent upon their commitment level, as well as athleticism, effort, and focus. The better they get, the more fun they have!!

Beginner clinics are 45 minutes and offered for ages 5-10. Beginner/Intermediate clinics are 45 minutes and offered for ages 6-18. Intermediate/Advanced clinics are 90 minutes and offered for ages 10 and up. All fees are by the month or we offer a discount for advanced registration of all months in a 3-4 month season. Visit our homepage for the latest registration information.

For more information or to register, contact Julie Mudge at 704-728-9168 or

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