Bring the entire family along (virtually) for a painting workshop that celebrates multimedia artist Louis Delsarte.
In honor of Black History Month we celebrate the impact of muralist, painter, and illustrator Louis Delsarte. Delsarte was most known for his mosaic murals, dynamically depicting Black people in the most vibrant colors. In addition to teaching art and exhibiting his work in many major institutions, Delsarte exalted Black culture through bold and layered paint strokes. Teaching artist Bryan Wilson guides participants through the history and style of Delsarte, followed by a hands-on painting activity during which participants will have the opportunity to share their final work. Although you can join us with any supplies you have, the supplies encouraged for participation in the workshop are below:
• Multi-colored construction paper
• A canvas board/panel or card stock paper (11 x 14 or 12 x 16 inches)
• A small spray bottle (you can buy one or recycle one from household products by cleaning it thoroughly)
• Q-tips
• A sharpie or black marker
• Scissors
• Glue stick
• Acrylic paint (red, yellow, blue, white and black)
• 1 to 2 flat brushes (medium sized)
• 1 to 2 small round brushes (for lines and details)
• Something to cover your workspace if needed (newspaper, towels, sheets, tarp, etc.)
On Saturday February 20th at 12:00 pm, use the link below to join the workshop:
Bryan M. Wilson, MFA graduated Magna Cum Laude with a BA in Studio Art and a Minor in Graphic Design from Morris Brown College. After graduation, he became an in-house graphic designer for the Center for Puppetry Arts in Atlanta, GA. Bryan and his wife relocated to Charlotte, where he began teaching art and obtained his teaching credentials at University of North Carolina-Charlotte. In 2012 Bryan decided to take his painting and picture-making abilities to another level by pursuing his MFA in Drawing/Painting at the Academy of Art University where he graduated in 2015. He is now exhibiting throughout the east coast, alongside other distinguished artists. He is currently showing work at the Gantt Center, Coffey and Thompson Gallery in Charlotte, NC and Foster’s Frame and Art in Huntersville, NC.
RSVP here or on Eventbrite:
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