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  • When: Friday, April 30, 2021 - All Day Event
  • Location: Virtual.

Funded entirely by the North Carolina Science Festival – the Animal Park VIRTUAL Science Fest Program will be happening for the entire month of APRIL! This event is FREE for all families that sign up.
This will be a fun and educational way for participants all over the state to get involved from the comfort of their own home. This is a perfect way to let students and parents work at their own pace and stay safe and healthy during this time. The Animal Park will be sending out at home “animal kits” for students. These kits were designed to help learn about specific animals that live at our park! Each family that signs up will receive a box full of hair samples, claw molds, pictures, worksheets, smell samples, and other exciting elements in order to teach them about the specific animal. Some of the animals that we will be making boxes for are lions, tigers, leopards, arctic foxes, fennec foxes, jungle cats, and binturongs. The students will be able to keep all of the elements in their box so they can remember this wonderful experience.
The core of the Animal Park’s mission is education, which we strive to bring to life every day for the residents of North Carolina. Enjoy visiting exotic animals and participating in these fun activities. This virtual event is FREE. To sign up for this event, e-mail Elise Gammon at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.



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