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Teens for Courage at Carowinds

  • When: Saturday, February 1, 2020,  9:00 am -  3:00 pm
  • Location: Carowinds 14523 Carowinds Blvd, Charlotte, North Carolina 28273

Did you know that approximately 1.5 million high school students nationwide experience physical abuse from a dating partner? Research studies reveal that 3 in 4 parents never discuss the warning signs of intimate partner violence with their children.

To raise awareness, the Jamie Kimble Foundation for Courage is partnering with Mecklenburg County, Carowinds, Arts & Science Council and Turning Point Services Inc. to provide a comprehensive educational curriculum to reinforce the development of healthy and respectful dating relationships.

* Network with students from High Schools in Charlotte-Mecklenburg and surrounding counties
* Learn how to start a Courage Club
* Create a logo and activities for your club for the entire year

Limited to 500 students.


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