Bring your Lil' Chef over and you'll pick up a newly self-confident child who will beg to cook dinner for you! Your Lil' Chef will create his or her own snacks and lunch and we'll supply everything that he or she will need for an amazing week or day filled with newly developed life-long skills including math, science, reading and chemistry!
What's included: All supplies, a take home booklet at the end of the week of recipes made during camp, snacks and lunches! Just bring your lil' chef!
Regular Camp Hours: 8:30 am to 4:00 pm. Extended hours are available, beginning at 8:00 am and ending as late as 5:00 pm for an additional fee. Please see below for the late pick up or early drop off charge.
Full Week Summer Camps and Track Out Camp Tuition: Tuition is $399/Week. Includes all supplies, ingredients, lunch, morning & afternoon snacks and recipes from the week. The only item your child needs to bring with him or her is a water bottle.
Early Drop Off (8:00 am) and Late Pick Up for Full Day Camp (By 5:00 pm)
$150 each for the week ($50 for early drop off and $100 for late pick up). We do not offer individual days for early drop off or late pick up for our week long camps.