Anami Montessori School is recognized by the Association Montessori International (AMI), the only accrediting organization established specifically by Dr. Maria Montessori. The AMI Certificate of Recognition identifies Anami Montessori as a school that staunchly supports the Montessori principles and faithfully puts them into practice.
Method: Learning is best done through active participation, we all learn best when we want to, and not when we’re coerced by external rewards or competition.
Montessori education succeeds because it is based on the principles of natural human development. Therefore, it meets the needs of the individual—regardless of the child’s learning style, social maturity or ability. Each Montessori classroom is a prepared environment (with carefully arranged, sequential learning materials) where children are free to exercise their natural drive to work and learn. Their natural love of learning is encouraged by providing them opportunities to engage in spontaneous, meaningful activities. It is through their work with the materials that the children develop concentration, motivation, persistence and self-discipline.