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Creek Week 2020 (POSTPONED)

  • When: Tuesday, March 24, 2020,  8:00 am -  5:00 pm
  • Location: Multiple Locations, Charlotte NC.

Creek Week is a full week in March devoted to appreciating the abundant surface water resources that flow through Charlotte-Mecklenburg. This year Creek Week will take place March 21-28, with the last day hosting The Big Spring Clean, our annual stream cleanup event. The week features free, family-friendly educational events and volunteer opportunities put on by Charlotte-Mecklenburg Storm Water Services and our partners. From Storytime with Stormy at our Libraries, to Lunch & Learns with guests like Brad Panovich, we have something for everyone. View the full calendar to find an event that interests you. You can click on the “Registration” link and that will take you to our SignUpGenius page and provide you with more details about the event. If you have any additional questions about Creek Week or any of the events, please email Deania Russo at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or call 980-314-3225. We hope to see you this #CreekWeek!



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