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Light Over Darkness: Virtual Hanukkah Street Art, Candle Lighting & Singing featuring Jewish Artist, Mike Wirth (Online)

  • When: Sunday, December 13, 2020,  5:30 pm -  6:00 pm
  • Location: Online Event.

Light Over Darkness- Virtual Hanukkah Street Art, Candle Lighting & Singing featuring Jewish Artist, Mike Wirth
Sunday, December 13th at 5:30 P.M.
Join Temple Israel virtually for a festive evening of street art, Hanukkah candle lighting and singing! Rabbi Wolk, Cantor Lissek and their families are thrilled to join acclaimed Jewish street artist, Mike Wirth, as they spray paint the 4th night’s flame on Charlotte’s large Chanukah Mural Project. This mural will be located on at the edge of Queen’s University (1900 Selwyn Avenue) and is being supported by the Stan Greenspon Center for Peace and Justice. Eight street artists in eight different cities will be painting a menorah, and Temple Israel is thrilled to be a part of this collective opportunity in Charlotte.


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