Reading fun and nature exploration combine during this 2-hour drop-off program. Each day begins with an engaging children's book, then young explorers will head out on an adventure inspired by that book's theme. Each program is different so try one or register for them all! Additional date for this program is 4/21 same time.
Notes: Pre-registration required 48 hours in advance. Drop-off paperwork will be sent via email to be completed and returned in advance of the program.
Mecklenburg County Park and Recreation follows all CDC guidelines and Governor’s orders. Participants are expected to wear a mask indoors at all times and outdoors if social distancing guidelines cannot be met. Participants may be less than 6’ apart during an outdoor program. At that time, we will ask everyone to wear a mask. If you cannot, you will be asked to stand more than 6’ away.
Ages 4 to 6
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