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Twilight Easter Egg Scramble - Socially Distanced Edition

  • When: Monday, March 29, 2021,  1:00 pm -  7:15 pm
  • Location: Cramerton Parks and Recreation, Cramerton NC.

Due to Covid-19 and limits on mass gathering amounts, we are turning our 2021 Easter Egg Scramble into a four-day Eggstravaganza!
We will hide 500 eggs per day at the C.B. Huss Recreation Complex - 8 Julian Street, around the ball fields in the back (maps to come later) and we will be using the dispersed scramble model that many running races have used recently.

Monday, March 29: Newborn thru 2 years old
Tuesday, March 30: 3 years old thru 5 years old
Wednesday, March 31: 6 years old thru 8 years old
Thursday, April 1: 9 years old thru 12 years old

Egg Scrambles can take place any between 1pm-7pm Monday thru Thursday. No eggs can be hunted before or after this time frame and eggs can be turned in no earlier than 1:15pm and no later than 7:15.
Egg hiding areas will increase in difficulty as ages go up (again, maps to come soon). We highly encourage each child to collect only ten eggs a piece to allow for as many children as possible to participate.
Once each child is done, bring your eggs to the Rec. Center and exchange them for an awesome candy bag provided by Cramerton Church – Freewill Baptist! (no matter how many eggs each child has, they will only receive one candy bag – so please leave some eggs for others.)
There will be FIVE prize eggs per age group! When you return those eggs to the Rec Center, you will receive your prize! (limit one prize egg per scrambler)



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