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Creepy Crawly Friends: Reptile Hunt

  • When: Saturday, May 22, 2021, 11:00 am - 11:30 am
  • Location: The Schiele Museum of Natural History 1500 E Garrison Blvd, Gastonia, North Carolina 28054

Whether they swim, slither, or crawl, join our museum guide to discover and observe the reptiles that inhabit the Schiele’s Nature Trail.
Does not include tickets to the museum, farm or planetarium unless additional tickets have been purchased.
Program Tickets: $3 per person ages 4+
Adult: 19 years +
Youth: 4 - 18 years
Child: 3 and under
This is an outdoor program. Please dress accordingly. We reserve the right to offer a raincheck or substitute an alternate program if the weather is uncooperative.


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