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Carnivorous at The Plant House

  • When: Friday, July 16, 2021,  6:30 pm -  8:30 pm
  • Location: The Plant House - 2452 Park Rd Unit D, Charlotte, NC 28203
  • Cost: $42 for 90 min workshop

PlantHouse is a terrarium based workshop, plant store, and bar. We have classes, mimosas, and a complimentary potting service with any purchase!

Guest will be instructed on how to build their own carnivorous terrarium. Class will begin with a group instruction and education on plant selection ( venus fly trap, sundew, pitcher plants, sarracenia, nepenthes, etc.). Guests will work amongst themselves with crew guidance. Once projects are wrapped up the crew will water plants in and help get terrariums secured in boxes.

Check their website for more information on their workshops and their Facebook page for updates!


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