
Back to School Pop Up Shop at The Charlotte Premium Outlets hosted by QC Socialite

  • When: Sunday, August 15, 2021, 10:00 am -  7:00 pm
  • Location: Charlotte Premium Outlets - 5404 New Fashion Way, Charlotte, NC 28278

Shop small at your favorite shopping venues this season when QC Socialite brings your favorite small businesses to your favorite shopping venues!

#ShopSmallAtMyMall is the QC Socialite Events initiative brining local, small businesses to your favorite shopping venues. Shop with a variety of vendors in categories such as: fashion, gifts, beauty, decor, jewelry and more!

Now more than ever, Charlotte-area small businesses are relying on the community for support. Shop small, shop local - right at your local mall!

Interested in becoming a small business partner? Visit for vendor information!



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