The Boil and Brew is an annual undraising event hosted by the Anne Springs Close Greenway's Colonel's Club and raises awareness and funds for the Anne Springs Close Greenway’s Summer Camps which serve over 5,000 local youth each summer, cultivating a new
generation of naturalists.
Ticket Prices:
$50 for attendees 21+
$15 for attendees 6-20 years
Free for children 5 and under
Greenway members receive a $10 discount. Ticket prices increase on October 9.
Ticket includes all-you-can-eat Lowcountry Boil, brews from YoCo Brew Trail partners and music by Chunky Daddy.
Find more information at link in ticket URL. Only tickets purchased through the Anne Springs Close Greenway are valid. No third-party tickets will be accepted.
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