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Large Scale Interactive Squid Sculpture

  • When: Monday, September 26, 2022 - All Day Event
  • Location: Romare Bearden Park: 300 S Church St Charlotte, NC 28202
  • Cost: FREE

Lotty by Moradavaga

Taking inspiration from the 2017 Taipei Public Arts Festival theme, “Story of a River”, Moradavaga devised an interactive acoustic installation with a strong visual impact that could resonate with the aquatic memories of the old course of the Keelung River in a playful and imaginative way. “Kraki” is based on the descriptions found since the late 13th Century about legendary sea creatures named “kraken” that probably inspired Herman Melville and Jules Verne on some of their most notable writings, like Moby Dick and 20.000 Leagues Under the Sea. In this sense, it is a kind of an ancestor, the great- great-grandfather, of “Vernie”, the giant squid previously created by Moradavaga on the island of São Miguel in the Azores archipelago. Like its great-great-granddaughter, “Kraki” came from the depths of the ocean, up the imaginary river course, to serve as a lively communicative tool for passersby of all ages at the Meilun Park in the city of Taipei, Taiwan.

Moradavaga is a collective born from the collaboration of architects Manfred Eccli (Bolzano, Italy, 1981) and Pedro Cavaco Leitão (Porto,Portugal, 1976).

Based in Kaltern/ Caldaro (Italy) and Porto (Portugal), Moradavaga started working in 2006 around the issues of vacant spaces, derelict buildings and the activation of the public realm, devising performative objects and active interventions, such as social workshops, ideas competitions and architectural happenings.

Intersecting architecture, art, and design, our works function as “dormant tools” in waiting status, requiring the users engagement to activate them.



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