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Virtual University City Turkey Trot

  • When: Thursday, November 26, 2020,  7:00 am - 11:45 pm
  • Location: Virtual.

WAKE... RUN.... FEAST! Join us for the VIRTUAL University City Turkey Trot.... the 7th year for this awesome event in University City. We would love to gather in person and see familiar faces and new ones, but we are living during a pandemic and current conditions do not allow for that.
So, at 8AM on Thanksgiving Day, you will not be at the University City Turkey Trot start line with hundreds of people, but you can be anywhere in the world you choose for our VIRTUAL University City Turkey Trot. And get this, it doesn't even have to be 8AM! Sleep in until you want and run or walk the race when you want! It's that simple this year. Gather the family, the dog, the cat, and get out there!



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