Discover nature hand-in-hand with your little one through stories and activities related to the topic of the week.
Ages 2 to 3 - $4
Per the revised Proclamation approved by the Mecklenburg County Board of County Commissioners on June 1, 2021, Park and Recreation will follow the guidelines set forth regarding the wearing of face covering in and around Park and Recreation facilities:
1. Any individual who desires to do so may wear a face covering in all indoor and outdoor Park and Recreation facilities.
2. Non-fully vaccination individuals, adults and children, should wear a face covering inside County facilities and outdoors if in large gatherings and/or unable to socially distance.
3. Fully vaccinated individuals are not required to wear a face covering indoors or outdoors regardless of if social distancing is possible, except for the following situation:
- Indoor settings that primarily serve children including camps and other programs for participants under 18. All participants involved in or near such programs must wear a face covering.
- This includes programs conducted by agencies other than Park and Recreation but within Park and Recreation facilities.
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