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FREE Tuesday at The Schiele Museum

  • When: Tuesday, September 13, 2022, 12:00 pm -  4:00 pm
  • Location: 1500 E Garrison Blvd, Gastonia, NC 28054
  • Cost: FREE

All visitors ages 5 years+ are required to wear a mask and follow safe social distancing practices while on their visit at The Schiele. For more specifics about what to expect, please visit our FAQ page.


Tickets will be released two weeks prior to each date so any adjustments to occupancy restrictions can be made. Tickets must be reserved in advance. By reserving tickets, you are agreeing to wear facial coverings (over nose & mouth) and maintaining social distance as applicable by the current regulations in place.

Note: There are limited tickets available for each program. If you have reserved tickets and will not be able to attend, please contact The Schiele Museum to relinquish your tickets, so they can be made available to others.

Select DATE of your visit, then Select Museum Admission.

2022 Schedule

The afternoon session currently scheduled from 12 - 4PM, general admission to The Schiele Museum will be free of charge on the second Tuesday and fourth Friday of each month.

As an additional bonus, Duke Energy is including Free Planetarium programs on a quarterly basis! Limited tickets are available, so make sure you reserve yours in advance.

2022 Dates from 12 - 4 PM

Free Tuesday Free Friday Free Planetarium Program
Jan. 11 Jan. 28 January 11 & 28
Feb. 8 Feb. 25
Mar. 8 Mar. 25
Apr. 12 Apr. 22 April 12 & 22
May 10 May 27
Jun. 14 Jun. 24
Jul. 12 Jul. 22 July 12 & 22
Aug. 9 Aug. 26
Sep. 13 Sep. 23
Oct. 11 Oct. 28 October 11 & 28
Nov. 8 Nov. 25
Dec. 13 Dec. 23



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